
Abnormal Correction Training Exam – Part 4

Abnormal Correction Training Exam – Part 4

Welcome to your Abnormal Correction Training Exam - Part 4

1. Fill in the blanks (1 point each) - Please only enter the correct letter choice for your answers below such as A instead of A., E-Stop, or A. E-Stop.

When working with other TMs, a must be selected before starting work. And when communicating you should use terms.
Before restarting a machine: and All Clear
Train and by Actual Machine so TMs know how to do correctly.
When you see a TM entering a machine, you should make sure.
is being used, and is removed.
If you find a TM not following LOTO, them and if it continues,
action must be taken.

2. When training new TMs, train on: (2 points)

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